
C with data structure

About Course


Target Audience

Why? - Description

What will I learn

Topics for this course

    1. History & Features of C Language
    2. Introduction and Importance of C Language
    3.  Role of Compiler and Interpreter
    4. Structure of C Program
    5. Procedural Programming Approach
    6. Top to Bottom Approach
    1. Keywords
    2. Data Types
    3.  Variables
    4. Constants
    5. Identifiers
    6. TOKENS
    8. Control Statement
    9. Pre-Processor Directives Input And Output
    10. Memory Management in Program
    1. Jump Statements
    2. Conditional Statements
    3. Iteration Statements
    1. Introduction to Arrays: What and Why?
    2. Several Examples of Arrays like Insert, Delete, Counter, Occurrence of Items etc. ∙ One Dimensional Arrays
    3. Sorting
    4. Two Dimensional Arrays
    5. Dynamic Arrays
    1. Introduction to Strings
    2. String Handling Functions
    3. Several Examples of Strings
    4. Array of Strings
    5. Table of Strings
    6. Searching and Sorting in Array of Strings
    1. Introduction to Functions
    2. Types and Advantage of Functions
    3. Various Examples of Functions
    4. Strings & Array Passing Is Functions
    5. Recursion
    6. Interview Questions on Recursion and Function ∙ Storage classes
    1. Understanding Pointers
    2. Pointer Expressions
    3. Types of Pointers
    4. Array and String using pointers
    5. Pointers to Functions
    6. Deadlock Pointer
    1. Defining a Structure
    2. Advantages of Structure
    3. Size of Structure
    4. Structure Using Pointer
    5. Structure with Functions
    6. Applications of Structure
    1. Introduction to Union
    2. Advantages of Union
    3. Difference between Union & Structure
    1. Introduction to Enum
    1. Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation ∙
    2. malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
    1. File Inclusionntroduction to Enum
    2. Computer Control Directives
    3. #define
    4. #undef
    5. #ifdef
    6. # Etc
    1. Introduction to File Management
    2. Opening/Closing a File
    3. Input /Output Operations on File
    4. Applications of File Management
    5. Command Line Arguments
