
C++ Programming

About Course

  • This Specialization is intended for all programming enthusiasts, as well as beginners seeking to develop their programming skills. This course will help you to cover all the basic concepts of C++ Programming with topics such as data types, variables, operators and others, followed by decision making statements and looping statements.


What will I learn

Why? - Description


Topics for this course

    1. Introduction to C++ Language
    2. Difference and Similarities between Top Down Programming and Bottom Up Programming
    3. Introduction to C++ Basic
    4. Flow Control Statements
    1. Introduction to Arrays 
    2. Searching and Sorting
    1. Introduction to Strings
    2. String handling built in functions
    3. Array and Strings in C++
    1. Introduction to pointers
    2. Pointer expressions
    3. Types of Pointers
    4. Pointer Arithmetic’s
    5. Array using pointers
    6. Array of pointer
    1. Functions: Declaration and Definition 
    2. Types of functions 
    3. Nesting of functions
    4. User Defined Function 
    5. Recursion 
    6. Storage classes 
    1. Introduction to structure
    2. Advantages of structure
    3. Recursion
    4.  Storage classes
    1. Introduction to dynamic memory allocation
    2. Advantage of dynamic memory allocation
    3. New and delete operators
    4. Array implementation using dynamic memory allocation
    1. Oops vs. Procedural Programming Approach
    2. C++ Character Set
    1. Scope resolution Operator (::) 
    2. Oops Approaches 
    3. Encapsulation 
    4. Polymorphism 
    5. unction Overloading
    6. Constructor & Destructor 
    7. Operator Overloading 
    8. Function Overriding 
    9. Pointers 
    10. Class object using pointer 
    11. Array of objects using pointer 
    12. This pointer Etc.
    13. Types of Inheritance
    14. Need of Virtual 
    15. Friend Function and Friend Class 
    16. Function Overriding 
    17. Binding Types 
    18. Static Binding and Dynamic Binding 
    19. Virtual Function
    20. Abstraction 
    21. Data Abstraction 
    22. Abstract Class
    23. Pure Virtual Function 
    24. Inline Functions 
    25. Composition and Aggregation
    1. Introduction to Exception Handling
    2. Need of Exception Handling
    3. Try, Throw, Catch
    4. Multiple catch blocks
    5. Exception Hierarchies
    1. Introduction to file management
    2. File opening modes
    3. Opening and closing a file
    4. Input output operations on file
    5. Error handling 
    6. Applications of file management 
    1. Thread introduction 
    2. Thread Synchronization 
    3. Life cycle of thread
    4. Deal Lock situation
    1. Introduction to Templates
    2. Generic Programming 
    3. Advantages of template 
    4. Template function and Template class
    1. What is data structure 
    2. Benefits and Types of data structure
    3. Introduction to algorithms
    4. Types of Algorithms 
    5. Time and Space Complexity
    1. Array 

      ∙ String 

      ∙ Link lis

      ∙ Stack 

      o Introduction to stack 

      o Stack using array 

      o Stack using linked list 

      o Applications of stack 

      ∙ Queue 

      o Introduction to queue 

      o Circular Queue 

      o Priority Queue 

      ∙ Tree 

      o Introduction to trees 

      o Types of trees 

      o Binary tree 

      o AVL tree 

      o Binary Search Tree 

      o Threaded binary tree 

      o M way tree 

      o B tree
      1. Searching in arrays
      2. Searching in strings 
      3. Sorting 
      4. Various sorting techniques
    1.  Introduction of graph 
    2. Types of graphs
    3. Implementation of graph using Adj
    4. Matrix and Adj
    5. Minimum spanning tree 
    6. Kruskal’s Algorithm 
    7. Prims Algorithm 
    8. Application of Graph
    1. Introduction of hashing
    2. Hash table 
    3. Applications of hashing

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