

About Course

  • This specialization introduces Python programmers to building websites using the Django library. Across the courses, you will learn HTML, CSS, SQL, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON Web Services. During the course, you will build online websites using Django and those working websites are graded throughout the course. This series is excellent preparation for learning other ways to build web applications using technologies like PHP (Web Applications for Everybody), Flask or Ruby on Rails.Instagram ,Youtube,Spotify,Dropbox,Disqus all uses Python library and Django framework. You will learn basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and database modeling, including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships and how they work in both the SQL and Django models. You will learn how to use the Django console and scripts to work with your application objects interactively.


What will I learn

Why ?

Topics for this course

    1. What is Django? 
    2. Installing Django
    3. MVC
    1. Your First View
    2. Introduction to Models
    3. View Layer
    4. Mapping urls to Views
    5. How django process a request..?
    6. Urlpatterns
    7. Regular expressions
  1. Template Basic 
  2. Dictionaries and Contexts
  3. Built-in Tags & filters
  4. Custom Tags & filters
  5. Forms
  6. Built in Fields and Widgets
  7. Forms For Models
  8. Customizing Validation
  9. Using Templates in Views
    1. Define models
    2. Setting up database access
    3. Creating and Defining a model
    4. How to create tables for models in Database
    5. Adding Model String Representations
    6. Inserting & updating Data
    7. Filtering, Ordering, Slicing and Deleting Data
    1. Enabling and Creating admin interface
    1. Forms in Django
    2. Searching Query
    3. GET & POST methods
    4. Form fields in django
    1. Placing form instance into the templates context
    1. User objects
    2. Using the Django authentication system
    3. Authentication Views
    4. Extending the existing User model
    5. Build a login-logout application
    6. Class-Based ViewsView()
    7. TemplateView()
    8. CreateView()
    9. ListView()


Target Audience